Water Isotope in Ice Core


Journal Articles

  1. JCLI
    Reconstruction of past Antarctic temperature using present seasonal δ18 O-inversion layer temperature: Unified Slope Equations and Applications
    Z Liu,  Chengfei He, M Yan, C Buizert, BL Otto-Bliesner, F Lu, and C Zeng
    Journal of Climate, 2023
  2. JCLI
    Antarctic Warming during Heinrich Stadial 1 in a Transient Isotope-Enabled Deglacial Simulation
    Chenyu Zhu, Jiaxu Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, Bette L Otto-Bliesner,  Chengfei He, Esther C Brady, Robert Tomas, Qin Wen, Qing Li, Chenguang Zhu, and  others
    Journal of Climate, 2022
  3. Antarctic surface temperature and elevation during the Last Glacial Maximum
    Christo Buizert, TJ Fudge, William HG Roberts, Eric J Steig, Sam Sherriff-Tadano, Catherine Ritz, Eric Lefebvre, Jon Edwards, Kenji Kawamura, Ikumi Oyabu,  Chengfei He, and  others
    Science, 2021
  4. greenland.jpg
    Abrupt Heinrich Stadial 1 cooling missing in Greenland oxygen isotopes
    Chengfei He, Zhengyu Liu, Bette L Otto-Bliesner, Esther C Brady, Chenyu Zhu, Robert Tomas, Christo Buizert, and Jeffrey P Severinghaus
    Science Advances, 2021